Effortlessly sync data to where you need it.

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How it works

Tetra is a no-code solution that allows you to sync data between apps automatically. Use our point and click UI to stitch together a workflow that moves data from app A to B, without having to write a single line of code.

Cool explainer
  • Save time on tedious manual export and import of data.
  • Automate when data is synced using schedules or other triggers.
Collaboration and Sharing
  • Share workflows with your teams, and limit who can access what.
  • Share reports with your team

Supported data sources

We currently support these sources and destinations, we are working on more integrations. If you think there is an integration we should add, tell us your use case here hello@tetra.so


Pull data from these sources

Airtable Source

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Pull data from an Airtable database

API Request

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Retrieve data from a custom API endpoint

Google Sheets Source

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Pull data from a Google sheet

Shopify Source

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Pull data from your Shopify store


These are the apps where you can send your data

Airtable Destination

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Send your data to Airtable

Google Sheets Destination

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Send your data to Google sheets

Notion Destination

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Send your data to a Notion database


Add new columns, remove rows, merge data, ..etc. Transform your data to a suitable shape before sending it to your destination.

Column expander

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Expand json columns

Derived Column

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Use GPT to add a new column

Magic transform

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Filter or sort data using natural language

Row filter

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Filter rows in your data