Converting Text to Numbers in Google Sheets

by Sanj


Converting text to numbers is a common requirement when working with data in Google Sheets. Whether you're dealing with imported data, user input, or any other scenario where text values need to be treated as numbers, Google Sheets provides several methods to accomplish this task efficiently. In this article, we'll explore three effective ways to convert text to numbers in Google Sheets. So let's dive in and discover these handy techniques!

1. Mathematical Operation

One simple and effective way to convert text to numbers in Google Sheets is by using a mathematical operation. When you perform a mathematical operation on a text value, Google Sheets automatically converts it to a number. It's like waving a magic wand and transforming that text into a numeric format!

To demonstrate this method, consider the following example. Let's say we have a text value in cell A1, and we want to convert it to a number. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Select an empty cell where you want the converted number to appear.

  2. Enter the following formula:

    =A1 + 0

    By adding zero to the text value, Google Sheets performs a mathematical operation, resulting in the conversion of text to a number.

  3. Press Enter to apply the formula and see the converted number in the selected cell.

It's as simple as that! Google Sheets automatically recognizes the text value and converts it to a numeric format using the mathematical operation.

2. Multiply by 1

Another quick and effective method to convert text to numbers in Google Sheets is by multiplying the text value by 1. This method works like magic, instantly transforming the text into a numeric representation. Let's take a look at how it's done:

Suppose you have a text value in cell A1, and you want to convert it to a number. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Select an empty cell where you want the converted number to appear.

  2. Enter the following formula:

    =A1 * 1

    By multiplying the text value by 1, Google Sheets performs the calculation and converts the text to a number.

  3. Press Enter to apply the formula and witness the text value magically transform into a numeric format.

This method is handy when you need a quick and efficient way to convert text to numbers in Google Sheets. Just remember, by multiplying the text value by 1, you unleash the power of conversion!

3. Paste Special

The third method we'll explore is the "Paste Special" feature, which allows you to convert a range of text values to numbers in one go. This method is particularly useful when you have a range of cells with text values that need to be converted. Let's walk through the steps:

  1. Select the range of cells containing the text values that you want to convert to numbers.
  2. Copy the range by pressing Ctrl+C or using the right-click menu and selecting "Copy."
  3. Now, select the destination range where you want the converted numbers to appear.
  4. Right-click on the destination range and choose "Paste Special" from the context menu.
  5. In the "Paste Special" dialog box, select "Paste values only" and click "OK."

Google Sheets will paste the copied text values as numbers in the destination range. This feature ensures that only the values are pasted, discarding any formatting or formulas that may have been present in the original text cells.

The "Paste Special" method is a convenient way to convert multiple text values to numbers quickly and effortlessly. It saves time and effort, especially when dealing with large datasets.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can I use these methods to convert text to numbers in

Google Sheets on my smartphone or tablet? A: Yes, you can use these methods to convert text to numbers in Google Sheets on your smartphone or tablet. Google Sheets provides a consistent experience across different devices, so you can apply these techniques regardless of whether you're using a computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Q: Are there any limitations to converting text to numbers using these methods?

A: While these methods are generally effective, it's essential to keep in mind a few limitations. If the text value contains characters that are not valid numeric characters or has leading or trailing spaces, these methods may not work correctly. Additionally, if the text value is in a format that Google Sheets cannot recognise as a number (e.g., dates or currency symbols), these methods may not produce the desired results.

Q: Can I convert numbers back to text in Google Sheets using a similar approach?

A: Yes, the reverse process of converting numbers to text can be achieved using similar methods. Instead of mathematical operations or multiplication, you can use functions like TEXT or CONCATENATE to convert numbers to text in Google Sheets.


Converting text to numbers is a common task in Google Sheets, and it's essential to know how to do it efficiently. In this article, we explored three effective methods: performing a mathematical operation, multiplying by 1, and using the "Paste Special" feature. These techniques provide quick and reliable ways to convert text values to numbers, whether you're dealing with a single cell or a range of cells. Remember to choose the method that best suits your specific requirements and dataset. With these conversion methods at your disposal, you can confidently work with text and numbers in Google Sheets, unleashing the full potential of your data analysis and calculations.